Finishing up a Dynawave scrubber inlet liner that we built out of FRP with a dual-laminate layer of ECTFE inside. This process sees hot gas, fluorides, and sulfur, so it eats pretty much any alloy out there. We needed to get something in there that could handle abrasives and still see temperatures around 300F from time to time. Next step is to get on-site and make sure that the Dynawave quenching weir is working properly so we don't get any hot spots

Finishing up a Dynawave scrubber inlet liner that we built out of FRP with a dual-laminate layer of ECTFE inside. This process sees hot gas, fluorides, and sulfur, so it eats pretty much any alloy out there. We needed to get something in there that could handle abrasives and still see temperatures around 300F from time to time. Next step is to get on-site and make sure that the Dynawave quenching weir is working properly so we don’t get any hot spots