Our externally-pressurized compensating bellows are perfect for steam applications where you need to handle large amounts of axial movement while protecting against lateral columnar instability (squirm). This one features copper pipe with sweat ends.

By |2019-01-30T15:41:55+00:00January 30, 2019|Projects|Comments Off on Our externally-pressurized compensating bellows are perfect for steam applications where you need to handle large amounts of axial movement while protecting against lateral columnar instability (squirm). This one features copper pipe with sweat ends.

Whether you’re running a simple-cycle or combined-cycle gas-fired power plant, odds are you have to run CEMS (continuous emissions monitors). Altech Environmental (Envea) can help you look at a new system, service and old system, or build a hybrid of the two.

By |2019-01-21T15:41:04+00:00January 21, 2019|Projects|Comments Off on Whether you’re running a simple-cycle or combined-cycle gas-fired power plant, odds are you have to run CEMS (continuous emissions monitors). Altech Environmental (Envea) can help you look at a new system, service and old system, or build a hybrid of the two.

If you look close you can see that the edge of this heavy-wall expansion joint was cut in order to fit next to the concrete structure. They welded the flow-liner in on both sides afterward to keep it from leaking. This works, but it adds additional stress the the EJ below it, which wasn’t originally planned for.

By |2018-12-12T21:40:55+00:00December 12, 2018|Projects|Comments Off on If you look close you can see that the edge of this heavy-wall expansion joint was cut in order to fit next to the concrete structure. They welded the flow-liner in on both sides afterward to keep it from leaking. This works, but it adds additional stress the the EJ below it, which wasn’t originally planned for.

This Zero Liquid Discharge fan was running at 7200RPM with chlorides in the gas stream and had a catastrophic failure. It threw a chuck of the fan wheel straight through the steel housing and out the wall of the building it was inside of. You might think stainless steel can handle anything, but it sure doesn’t like chloride stress corrosion cracking.

By |2017-07-13T19:35:44+00:00July 13, 2017|Projects|Comments Off on This Zero Liquid Discharge fan was running at 7200RPM with chlorides in the gas stream and had a catastrophic failure. It threw a chuck of the fan wheel straight through the steel housing and out the wall of the building it was inside of. You might think stainless steel can handle anything, but it sure doesn’t like chloride stress corrosion cracking.

Flanged-and-flued expansion joints in an acid plant. If done right these expansion joints have a very long lifetime, they’ll last for decades. That’s why you want to do your pressure thrust, anchor strength, and movement calculations properly.

By |2017-07-13T19:28:16+00:00July 13, 2017|Projects|Comments Off on Flanged-and-flued expansion joints in an acid plant. If done right these expansion joints have a very long lifetime, they’ll last for decades. That’s why you want to do your pressure thrust, anchor strength, and movement calculations properly.